We are Harry and Roelie Morskate from near Eindhoven in the south of the Netherlands. Since 2012 we have done long-distance cycling. From 2015 bigger routes and in 2017 we cycled the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. This last bike ride was the most beautiful, the longest (over 6000 km, 3728 mi) and the toughest so far, but it was also a turning point in our lives. In 2017 we decided to cycle around the world from the Netherlands to New Zealand and then from Ushuaia to Alaska. In March 2020, north of Patagonia in Argentina, we were also overtaken by the Corona virus and we eventually had to abort our journey. Of course we will pick up the route again, at least from Argentina to Mexico. We have had a wealth of experience, had many heartwarming encounters and had unlimited fun. We don't want to keep this to ourselves, but share it with everyone. First of all with this website and we can be followed on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Harry (1964, Heerlen) is an emotional guy, who grew up in Limburg, in the very south of the Netherlands. He makes the most out of life and doesn’t shy away from the unknown. Where he used to succumb to stylish tailor-made suits, a roaring sports car, chic dinners and luxury holidays, his attention is now devoted to minimalism, tiny housing and decluttering.
Harry studied at Utrecht University (social geography and urban planning) and worked as a manager at consultancies and municipalities for more than 25 years. Unlike most Capricorns, he is very assertive, extroverted and people-oriented. Accordingly, at work he was a real team builder and people manager. The ambitious and career-oriented “tiger" is tamed and another type of adventure has drawn his attention: to explore the world by bicycle. With his humor, passion for sporting challenges, a supernatural sense of direction and openness to people, he is the perfect companion for this adventure. I cannot live without my Harry. I have become hopelessly addicted to him.

Roelie (1975, Grou) grew up in Friesland, in the very north of the Netherlands. She is a real Frisian girl but with the southern influences of our province Brabant: She is strong, athletic and full of self-confidence, but also sociable, lively and a gourmet. Roelie has always been adventurous, having backpacked through Australia for a year, for example.
Roelie studied at the technical University of Delft (civil engineering) and worked as a project manager at a nationwide consultancy firm. She was primarily hired by municipalities to lead urban development projects. Her clients did not want her to go, but she couldn't wait to join this adventure with me.
Roelie is a great wife. First of all: I love her! In addition she is creative, handy, smart, patient, curious and enthusiastic, and she is also optimistic and positive: an ideal partner with which to discover the world together. I leave everything behind, but my Roelie has to come along!
>> read more about our motivation