Today, May 29, it is still a month to leave. From November we have used a schedule, but from now on the scenario will be brought out. Every day (and that is still a lot) actions are described.
During the month of May we were, as it were, in a kind of twilight zone: our departure is getting closer and becoming more concrete, but on the other hand it is still far away. But now it gets serious!

At the end of May, we felt the tension was slightly increasing, especially after we had a large article in the Eindhovens Dagblad and also in a glossy magazine that is distributed house-to-house in Oirschot and surroundings. We see ourselves in the newspaper and in the magazine on the front page / cover and know: it is going to happen. We are also suddenly recognized on the street and approached by people unknown to us. Very nice!

Harry now has a day job on all preparations. Vaccinations, supplies (medicines), visas, country information, sponsoring, luggage (what are we missing?), First aid diploma, emigration / deregistration, insurance, bureaucracy, you name it. From today he has the grip of a script. Roelie continues to work full-time until the day before departure. Luckily she has an assignment at the municipality of Oirschot, which means she is back home at 6 o'clock. Once at home, there is only one thing to talk about: our adventure (and what we still have to do for it, haha).
House and stuff
The house is becoming army and the number of ads on Marktplaats has dropped from more than 40 to less than 20. Harry had a difficult time a week ago when he saw his Van Nicholas bike driving away ... The Focus van Roelie, with which they have a lot of mileage love and suffering has shared, still needs a new owner. But it looks like we can sell all things well, give them away and give them on loan. Only a few moving boxes and some clothes are expected to go to Harry's mother. The administration is moving to the parents of Roelie, which will also be our correspondence address.
In May we experienced a new adventure: we participated in a real trunk sales. Unfortunately not so successful; it was (too) nice weather and there were few visitors. Nevertheless, we are going to try again on the 10th of June, with the last whining. What remains is going to the thrift store.
The last week before departure we will already sleep on our air beds. The house will be cleared in the weekend before departure. Netflix and Spotify have already stopped, but we still have a TV and audio.
Between all companies we regularly receive guests from the global network of Warmshowers (from and for cyclists who give each other shelter). In May we welcomed an Englishman, two Spaniards, one Argentinian and two Scots. We can no longer offer them a spare bed, but still a nice spare room. Chairs at the dining and kitchen table are missing. But usually we can sit outside and share experiences and stories with each other until late in the evening. We are really enjoying this visit and hope to pamper a few cycling travelers in June!

We have also been busy with saying goodbye to friends and acquaintances for a while. Our families will join us in June. We still see a bit of a disappointment there. We have "chosen" not to organize (or undergo) a farewell party; we choose as much as possible for personal farewell.
In the coming month, for example, we will be very active on three fronts: preparation, sales of equipment / clearing house and farewell. It will be tough, but what we are really looking forward to finally cycling into the world on June 29!
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